Diesel clause

Diesel clause

In order to correctly accommodate for heavily fluctuating fuel prices in our rates, we use a so-called diesel clause. Price increases and decreases are processed as a percentage on the basis of the large-scale consumer list price in the transport rate according to this graduated scale:

Agrarisch transport
Week: Reference date: Price per liter:
708-02-2025€ 1.6042
601-02-2024€ 1,6125
525-01-2024€ 1,6290
418-01-2024€ 1,6290
311-01-2024€ 1.5940
204-01-2024€ 1,5794
128-12-2024€ 1,5580
5221-12-2024€ 1,5580
5114-12-2024€ 1,5580
5007-12-2024€ 1.5580
4930-11-2024€ 1,5580
4823-11-2024€ 1.5580
4716-11-2024€ 1,5546
4609-11-2024€ 1,5216
4502-11-2024€ 1,5216
4426-10-2024€ 1,5216
4319-10-2024€ 1.5216
4212-10-2024€ 1,5216
4105-10-2024€ 1,4850
4028-09-2024€ 1,4720
3921-09-2024€ 1,4720
3814-09-2024€ 1,4802
3707-09-2024€ 1,4970
3631-08-2024€ 1,5050
3524-08-2024€ 1,5133
3417-08-2024€ 1,5381
3310-08-2024€ 1,5464
3203-08-2024€ 1.5550
3127-07-2024€ 1,5711
3020-07-2024€ 1,5794
2913-07-2024€ 1,5880
2806-07-2024€ 1.6042
2729-06-2024€ 1,5960
2622-06-2024€ 1,5464
2515-06-2024€ 1,5464
2408-06-2024€ 1,5464
2301-06-2024€ 1,5464
2225-05-2024€ 1,5464
2118-05-2024€ 1,5630
2011-05-2024€ 1,5794
1904-05-2024€ 1,6042
1827-04-2024€ 1,6207
1720-04-2024€ 1,6290
1613-04-2024€ 1.6538
1506-04-2024€ 1,6460
1430-03-2024€ 1.6290
1323-03-2024€ 1,6290
1216-03-2024€ 1,6290
1109-03-2024€ 1.6290
1002-03-2024€ 1,6300
924-02-2024€ 1,6300
817-02-2024€ 1,6300
710-02-2024€ 1.6300
603-02-2024€ 1,5920
527-01-2024€ 1,5877
420-01-2024€ 1,5540
313-01-2024€ 1,5460
204-01-2024€ 1,5200
130-12-2023€ 1,5200
5222-12-2023€ 1,5200
5116-12-2023€ 1,5464
5009-12-2023€ 1,5712
4902-12-2023€ 1,5877
4825-11-2023€ 1,5940
4718-11-2023€ 1,6125
4611-11-2023€ 1.6455
4504-11-2023€ 1,6538
4428-10-2023€ 1,6600
4321-10-2023€ 1,6600
4213-10-2023€ 1,6600
4107-10-2023€ 1,6300
4030-09-2023€ 1,7364
3923-09-2023€ 1.7447
3816-09-2023€ 1,7364
3709-09-2023€ 1.6650
3602-09-2023€ 1,6603
3526-08-2023€ 1,6538
3419-08-2023€ 1,6372
3311-08-2023€ 1.6372
3204-08-2023€ 1,6207
3129-07-2023€ 1,5794
3022-07-2023€ 1,4968
2915-07-2023€ 1,4968
2808-07-2023€ 1.4885
2701-07-2023€ 1.4885
2624-06-2023€ 1,3976
2517-06-2023€ 1,3893
2409-06-2023€ 1,3810
2302-06-2023€ 1,3645
2226-05-2023€ 1,3728
2119-05-2023 € 1,3645
2013-05-2023€ 1,3645
1906-05-2023€ 1,3562
1829-04-2023€ 1,3810
1721-04-2023€ 1.4141
1615-04-2023€ 1.4389
1507-04-2023€ 1,4637
1431-03-2023€ 1,4554
1325-03-2023€ 1,4554
1217-03-2023€ 1,4389
1110-03-2023€ 1,4967
1003-03-2023€ 1,5133
924-02-2023€ 1,4885
820-02-2023€ 1,4885
717-02-2023€ 1,5050
610-02-2023€ 1,5050
609-02-2023€ 1,5216
608-02-2023€ 1,5381
606-02-2023€ 1,5629
504-02-2023€ 1,5629
503-02-2023€ 1,5794
502-02-2023€ 1,5960
501-02-2023€ 1,6042
426-01-2023€ 1,6290
425-01-2023€ 1,6207
321-01-2023€ 1,6042
319-01-2023€ 1,5877
213-01-2023€ 1,5794
211-01-2023€ 1,5877
210-01-2023€ 1,5960
107-01-2023€ 1,5877
106-01-2023€ 1,5960
104-01-2023€ 1,6125
103-01-2023€ 1,6042
5229-12-2022€ 1,5960
5228-12-2022€ 1,5877
5124-12-2022€ 1,5794
5122-12-2022€ 1,5712
4917-12-2022€ 1,5629
4916-12-2022€ 1,5546
4915-12-2022€ 1,5464
4910-12-2022€ 1,5216
4909-12-2022€ 1,5298
4908-12-2022€ 1,5546
4907-12-2022€ 1,5712
4906-12-2022€ 1,5959
4802-12-2022€ 1,5877
4801-12-2022€ 1,5794
4829-11-2022€ 1,5712
4726-11-2022€ 1,5877
4725-11-2022€ 1,6042
4723-11-2022€ 1,6207
4722-11-2022€ 1,6290
4619-11-2022€ 1,6373
4618-11-2022€ 1,6538
4617-11-2022€ 1,6703
4616-11-2022€ 1,6786
4615-11-2022€ 1,7034
4512-11-2022€ 1,7117
4511-11-2022€ 1,7282
4510-11-2022€ 1,7612
4509-11-2022€ 1,7943
4508-11-2022€ 1,8108
4405-11-2022€ 1,8273
4404-11-2022€ 1,8438
4403-11-2022€ 1,8686
4401-11-2022€ 1,8852
4326-10-2022€ 1,8769
4325-10-2022€ 1,8852
4221-10-2022€ 1,8935
4219-10-2022€ 1,8852
4218-10-2022€ 1,8687
4115-10-2022€ 1,8521
4114-10-2022€ 1,8356
4113-10-2022€ 1,8521
4112-10-2022€ 1,8439
4111-10-2022€ 1,8356
4008-10-2022€ 1,7943
4007-10-2022€ 1,7612
4006-10-2022€ 1,7530
4005-10-2022€ 1,7447
3901-10-2022€ 1,7364
3930-09-2022€ 1,7282
3927-09-2022€ 1,7116
3821-09-2022€ 1,7282
3820-09-2022€ 1,7447
3717-09-2022€ 1,7530
3715-09-2022€ 1,7778
3610-09-2022€ 1,7943
3609-09-2022€ 1,8026
3503-09-2022€ 1,8108
3502-09-2022€ 1,8191
3530-08-2022€ 1,8274
3427-08-2022€ 1,8026
3426-08-2022€ 1,7860
3425-08-2022€ 1,7530
3424-08-2022€ 1,7364
3423-08-2022€ 1,7199
3317-08-2022€ 1,7116
3213-08-2022€ 1,7199
3212-08-2022€ 1,7116
3209-08-2022€ 1,7199
3106-08-2022€ 1,7447
3103-08-2022€ 1,7530
3030-07-2022€ 1,7612
3027-07-2022€ 1,7530
2923-07-2022€ 1,7612
2921-07-2022€ 1,7860
2816-07-2022€ 1,8026
2815-07-2022€ 1,8274
2814-07-2022€ 1,8356
2812-07-2022€ 1,8521
2709-07-2022€ 1,8687
2708-07-2022€ 1,8852
2706-07-2022€ 1,8934
2602-07-2022€ 1,9017
Diesel price: To: Precentage surcharge:
€ 0,875€ 0,910 -5%
€ 0,911€ 0,946 -4%
€ 0,947€ 0,982 -3%
€ 0,983€ 1,018 -2%
€ 1,019€ 1,054 -1%
€ 1,055€ 1,0900%
€ 1,091€ 1,1261%
€ 1,127€ 1,1622%
€ 1,163€ 1,1983%
€ 1,199€ 1,2344%
€ 1,235€ 1,2705%
€ 1,271€ 1,3066%
€ 1,307€ 1,3427%
€ 1,343€ 1,3788%
€ 1,379€ 1,4149%
€ 1,415 € 1,45010%
€ 1,451 € 1,48611%
€ 1,487 € 1,52212%
€ 1,523€ 1,55813%
€ 1,559€ 1,59414%
€ 1,595€ 1,63015%
€ 1,631€ 1,66616%
€ 1,667€ 1,70217%
€ 1,703€ 1,73818%
€ 1,739€ 1,77419%
€ 1,775€ 1,81020%
€ 1,811€ 1,84621%
€ 1,847€ 1,88222%
€ 1,883€ 1,91823%
€ 1,919€ 1.95424%
€ 1,955€ 1,99025%
€ 1,991€ 2,02626%
€ 2,027€ 2,06227%
€ 2,063€ 2,09828%
€ 2,099€ 2,13429%
€ 2,135€ 2,17030%
Agrarisch transport

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